Membership Rules
Homeshare Charlotte
Community Member Rules
To help us ensure the satisfaction and safety of the entire Homeshare Charlotte community, all Members are required to adhere to the Membership Rules which are listed below. These rules apply to every Homeshare Charlotte member. Violations of these rules are subject to immediate termination of the room agreement between the Member in violation and Homeshare Charlotte.
- Due to the nature of co-living, guests are allowed in the common areas only between the hours of 10:00am-10:00pm EST. Additionally, any Tenant with a guest must be present at all times.
- Members are responsible for the actions and/or damages caused by their guests. If guests violate a Homeshare Charlotte rule, the member will be held responsible according to the membership rules and consequences.
- Members who wish to have a gathering of people in the house must give the other Member(s) at least three (3) days’ notice and receive their express consent to the gathering.
- Members may not share their entry codes with Members or non-Members.
- Homeshare Charlotte rooms are single occupancy only (county code).
- No guests permitted under the age of 18.
- Members are expected to always keep the property clean, both inside and out. Most importantly is to be conscious of how your actions impacts others. How would you want others to treat you in the house, and work to do the same, including:
- Rooms must be kept clean; help do your part in keeping pests away,
- Common areas must be kept free of trash and personal belongings, sinks must be kept clean and clear of items within 2 hours of use and countertops and tables must be wiped down,
- If the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, empty and put them away,
- If you observe the trashcan is full, empty it as well
- Members must be always respectful of Homeshare Charlotte staff (cleaning crew, contractors, etc.) and other Members. Disrespectful behavior (foul language, rude behavior, yelling, screaming and passive aggressive behavior) is not tolerated.
- Violence and threats towards other Members, guests, or Homeshare Charlotte staff are strictly prohibited.
- No animals of any kind may be kept at the home (inside or outside) except for service dogs that have been pre-approved and pre-registered with Homeshare Charlotte.
- No kitchen appliances of any kind (microwaves, toaster ovens, hot plates, fryers, etc.) are permitted in bedrooms or any other areas outside of the kitchen. There is absolutely no cooking permitted in bedrooms. Outdoor grills are not permitted.
- “Quiet Time” is observed from 10:00pm to 8:00am daily. Loud music or TV’s, slamming of doors, and loud voices are not permitted during this time. Members are expected to keep noise to a reasonable level at all other times and be conscious of other’s sleep schedules.
- Members agree to pay for any damage to the room or the home they caused.
- Household supplies consist of laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, toilet tissue, and miscellaneous household products such as dish soap, paper towels, trash bags, etc. Each Member is responsible for providing and storing their own supplies.
- Any HOA fines directly attributed to a Member shall be held responsible for such fines.
- There is absolutely no smoking in the home, including the garage. Smoking is the leading cause of home-fire deaths in the US, and as such, all forms of smoking or anything causing smoke is strictly prohibited. This means no smoking tobacco or marijuana or creating any kind of combustion-created smoke (burning incense, sage, etc.).
- Candles are prohibited.
- Vaping is permitted, but is permitted only on the outside of the home.
- Do not open the exterior doors for anyone you don’t know. All Homeshare Charlotte staff, contractors, and prospective Members will be provided temporary access codes.
- Replacing, altering, or damaging any locks on the property is strictly prohibited.
- Space heaters of any kind are prohibited in the home, as they are the second leading cause of death from home fires.
- The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate Membership termination and prosecution.
- Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind at the home is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate Membership termination and prosecution.
- Using a fake identity or having another individual book a room for you is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate termination.
- Our Members are responsible for conserving all utilities including power, water, gas, and internet. At any time, and at the full discretion of Homeshare Charlotte, utility costs may be passed onto the Members if utility consumption exceeds the budget for each home. Windows should always remain closed to conserve utilities.
- Thermostats are programed to automatically adjust the temperature between 69 and 71 at all times. Members of the house have the ability to change these automatic settings within a degree or two temporarily..
- Members are only allowed to bring one vehicle to properties with open spaces. If a Member's property has a space for their car, Members are allowed only one vehicle at a property and must register this vehicle with Homeshare Charlotte.
- Vehicles must be properly registered with the state.
- Vehicles cannot block other vehicles, mailboxes, or trash bins. Members cannot park on the grass or yard at their homes. These areas are no parking zones. When parking in a driveway, Members should make sure their vehicle does not touch a neighbor's property. Vehicles that are abandoned or blocking access will be towed at the Member's expense.
- Members are not allowed to do work on their vehicle at a Homeshare Charlotte property, other than changing a flat tire.
- Using a stolen payment method is strictly prohibited.
- Excessive payment disputes on your account are a violation of our policy.
- Members must ensure that the accounts they use for payments are fully funded. Failed payments from bank accounts or refunded ACH payments are a violation of our terms.
- No furniture or fixtures may be removed from the common areas at any time. Common area furniture must remain in the common area at all times.
- Members may not set up cameras to record in any common areas of the home.
- Homeshare Charlotte Members are responsible for taking out the trash. Trash must be placed in the proper bins. Bins must be brought out to the curb on trash day and brought back to the property once emptied. Trash days are noted by the City of Charlotte. This includes recycling and bulk trash pickup.
- Members may not operate a business from a Homeshare Charlotte property. This includes customer meetings of any kind inside the home or the commercial use of home resources, such as laundry or power consumption for business purposes.
- Homeshare Charlotte staff, Homeshare Charlotte’s designated contractors, have the right to enter any room in the facility at any time without notice to ensure the safety and well-being of Members and the property.
- Homeshare Charlotte, the subsidiaries and staff of Homeshare Charlotte are not liable for the security of any Member’s personal belongings. Purchase of personal property insurance is strongly recommended for Members.
- No foreign objects may be thrown in the toilets or sinks at any time. This includes but is not limited to feminine products, wet wipes, packaging, dental floss, and hair. Fixing clogged toilets and sinks can cost several hundred dollars and these expenses will be passed directly to the Members.
- Members may only inhabit the room that they are booked for. It is against Homeshare Charlotte rules to occupy or move things into any other room in the home. Vacant rooms must remain vacant.